Friday Five Roundup: The Most Trusted Brands in Canada to Epic Fails on Social Media


Top Rank Blog

Avoid Content Ennui: 10 Creative Blog Types to Serve Your Audience

Are you having trouble engaging with readers on your blog? Offer your audience a variety of posts to keep them interested. Here’s 10 popular blog formats that are worth trying.
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How to Engage Your Audience Using Digital Advertising

A lot of people find digital advertising annoying and disruptive. Inbound marketing helps your business engage with your audience without driving them away.
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Globe and Mail

MEC and President’s Choice are the most trusted brands in Canada

Who do you think is Canada’s most trusted brand? University of Victoria uses their Gustavson Brand Trust Index (GBTI) to identify the most trustworthy brands by industry sector.
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Content Marketing Institute

Social Media Mistakes: What Brands Should Do to Avoid Epic Fails

How do you capitalize on timely and trending content without being called out for being a shameless self promoter? Learn how to incorporate your branding with high profile events without stepping on anyone’s toes. You can learn a lot from these epic fails!
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Canada’s ad industry cracks down on paid endorsements on social media

Influencers are helping advertisers drive sales but their endorsements can also mislead the public. Canada’s ad industry demands more transparency when it comes to accepting payment for posts.
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